Welcome to the Ysidro Almaráz family of Hebbronville, Texas website. This website is dedicated to my dear and departed mother “Nancy” Aurora Almaráz Garza.  She adored her father and was deeply dedicated to her sisters, Melba and Cristella.  They were her best friends and she loved their children, my cousins, like her very own. 

One day in 1985, I had finished my undergraduate studies and was preparing for my career, I stopped to ask my mother about her heritage and of the large family she was from.  She proceeded to tell me, from memory, the names, dates and places of birth of every member of her family including all the children and much more!  She was a remarkable woman with an amazing intellect and she was uncommonly popular in her youth and throughout her life because of her charm, whit, wisdom and total dedication to her family.  This is about the family she loved so much and of my efforts to detail their history and heritage. 

My grandfather, Ysidro, suffered the loss of his first wife and a baby boy early in his life but one son, Reynaldo, lived to a ripe old age.  Ysidro later remarried with Delia Garza Saenz, my grandmother, and had four more children.  To the left you will find links to each of these persons' page.  I invite my cousins to contribute to any and all pages.  I need photos, letters, biographies, and histories. 

For me, collecting the history and genealogy of the Almaráz, Flores, Garza, Saenz and Rivera families has been difficult, time consuming and has, in some cases, required my best investigative skills.  Many mysteries remain and the complete story is still out there, but I felt I should begin telling it or I’d never finish.  I hope my relatives will be both pleased and interested in contributing to this endeavor. 

Ysidro and Delia cerca 1970